Thursday 20 September 2012

Tarzan- Visual starting points.

Decided to re watch the film again to note down the key objects and imagery associated with the film and each main character.

From this I began to take screen captures of the film itself that included what I felt was iconic imagery from the film that could be recognised when used on the poster. These images will be used as a starting point so that I have something to work with when I try to simplify the visuals into the minimalist style for my idea so that they are as accurate as possible and I can then determine how well they would work on the poster. I have also thought about capturing scenes that could be summed up by some of the quotes I have gathered from the film.

From the captures above took some simple traces of key elements from the print outs. Started to look at how a limited colour pallet of 3 would effect the imagery and how it translates. These were quickly done to start getting a feel of the shapes and styles that could be worked with further although at this stage I am not pleased with the majority and such as the hands are too detailed to translate into minimalist well. Least I have discovered this early on in the visual ideas and can now move forward from this in a different direction.

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